We develop the first boron neutron capture therapy system in Korea.
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The boron drug used for BNCT is a drug that combines boron (10B) with an amino acid, which is harmless to the human body.
The amino acid receptor (L-type Amino Transporter; LAT1) is frequently expressed in tumor cells enables that more boron drugs are selectively collected in
tumor cells than in normal cells. The boron accumulated in cancer cells absorbs neutrons and undergoes nuclear fission to destroy cancer cells.
DAWONMEDAX has increased the solubility of poorly soluble BPA (Boronophenylalanine) through formulation R&D,
and completed the development of liquid injections with long-term stability even in solution by applying anti-oxidation technology.
We plan to develop innovative next-generation boron drugs with selectivity for various cancer types through open innovation.